With a good barbecue for instance, or a fish filet, what’s better than some simple boiled potatoes? And yet, how many disgusting canteen boiled potatoes did you already have, unpleasant to chew, tasteless, without appropriate seasoning?
Peel potatoes first. Peeled potatoes can be kept in cold water for over 12 hours.
The main trick is the homogenous cooking of potatoes. A first condition is that the potatoes have more or less the same size. If this is not the case, just cut the biggest ones in two so they basically all have the same volume. For mathematicians, the most important thing is that the smallest dimension of each piece be identical. For me, I prefer to pick potatoes the same size when I buy them.
Then it is important that you use a large pot with a thick bottom, or in copper, in which you will only have one layer of potatoes immersed in cold water. Otherwise, the different pieces will not be at the same temperature, so all your efforts to have homogenously sized potatoes would be for nothing.
By the way, this one layer business also applies to other root vegetables obviously (say a soup of pumpkin or topinambour), and to meat stews such as the blanquette.
So the potatoes are in the large pan, in cold water. There should be enough water so that the potatoes are immerged all throughout the cooking, and water will evaporate during the cooking. That said, you can add water in the course of the cooking process if needed, so that the potatoes are always entirely under water.
Salt is needed, to the amount of 10 g (a table spoon) per liter of water. I am just saying for those who feel they cannot salt “a vue”. Add a branch of thyme in the water, preferably fresh.
Pot goes on the heat, with a lid, till it boils. Lid off when the water boils, lower the heat so you still have boiling but not waste energy, and the potatoes are cooked when they offer no resistance to a knife. The cooking time depends not only on the size, but also on the nature and the freshness of the potato. It is usually between 10 (for fresh little rates) and 35 minutes (for big, old BF15).
This I learnt from Benoit Guichard, the guy who took over Jamin after Robuchon.
mardi 26 juin 2007
Boiled potatoes
Libellés : Basic cooking techniques, In English
Cooking is not only about recipes
Well, recipes certainly are important. I noted that recipes and cooking advices are the single most popular food issue on the Internet, and of course, I would like to increase traffic on my blog.
At the same time, some say that the most simple things are the best: a roasted chicken, boiled potatoes, a salad of green beans, pasta… And obviously, a given recipe gives very different results when implemented by different persons, not only because some do it better than others, but they simply taste different.
I find that the single most instrumental thing is the basics: this happens, if I dare say so, at a sub-recipe level. This is about basic techniques, and the quality of products involved. Then it opens up the field of creativity.
So I decided to start a series of very basic cooking techniques, which I learnt from good chefs, and which I feel are insufficiently known and rarely mentioned. Contributions are welcome.
Libellés : Basic cooking techniques, In English
jeudi 21 juin 2007
A Romainville (93)
Moi, j'y connais rien en restaurants pas chers. Mais quand même, est-ce que je vous ai déjà parlé de Tonio ?
Au fin fond d'une banlieue louche du 93, dans une pizzeria style années 60, crépis sur les murs, chaises en bois ouvragé avec petit molleton rouge, le courageux et énergique Tonio fait tourner une maison qui provoque beaucoup de problèmes de parking dans le quartier. C'est un joyeux, un farceur.
Il fait la pizza, et il la fait "sèche" si on veut (enfin c'est le pizzaiolo de Tonio qui la fait). Chaude, croutée, mais avec un peu de moelleux dedans, et juste salée et origanée. Par exemple pour accompagner ses gargantuesques assiettes d'antipasti, avec les beaux légumes grillés, les grosse câpres, la Mozzarella di buffala, le carpaccio... Aussi des jolies fritures, pas genre tempura, mais des belles grosses langoustines bien fraîches, croustillantes et dorés. Il fait son propre pesto (enfin c'est le cuistot de Tonio qui le fait), avec un peu de noisette et un peu de crème en plus, mais qui reste un pesto quand même, pas chauffé, parfumé, joyeux.
Et puis, il flambe les pâtes sous nos yeux ébahis dans la meule de Parmesan. Et ça, c'est vraiment Tonio qui le fait. La grande meule, là, devant nous, en feu ! Creusée! Avec des pâtes dedans ! Il a aussi des bons Prosecco , et des Valpo, et tutto le vino, bien à lui, qu'il sert à la bonne température. J'aime aller chez Tonio. Enfin non, mais j'aime vraiment manger chez Tonio avec des bons copains ou avec mes enfants.
Luna Rossa, 45, rue de la République, Romainville, 01 48 40 49 80
Libellés : En français, Restaurants
mardi 19 juin 2007
Défense et illustration de Paul Bocuse (in English)
(Photo Bocuse.com)
Voici un papier que j'ai posté sur Chowhound en réponse aux sarcasmes habituels sur Bocuse.
Of course I am aware of the common wisdom about Paul Bocuse, relayed by most critics: it's a joke, it used to be wonderful thirty years ago. I want first to point out that most of these reviews look to much like one another, and give too little (if any) detail to avoid giving the impression that they are basically spreading the word. In the best case, former readings heavily influence the actual restaurant experience. In the worst, critics are plain repeating what they read (A lexical analysis of some reviews would support this view).
Clearly, the idea of fallen glory has a lot of appeal. Works with Paul Bocuse, started to work with Bernard Loiseau (did not help him to overcome his suicidal trends, obviously), and I hope that the time of Ducasse will come. Smartly, Robuchon retired just before it started (and came back as a new man). I am not saying that bad reviews of Paul Bocuse are insincere, but I always beware of papers whose content I can predict.
Speaking of which, Michelin bashing seems to be as fun a game as Bush bashing. I understand both, and I believe the two share of lack of transparency which is regrettable. That said, I also believe Michelin to be highly reliable (and respected among top chefs). I do believe they have a set of fixed criteria, even though they do not advertise them. In any case, many affirmations about them are unfounded, such as the one that there would be a numerus clausus of three star restaurants.
In my experience, Michelin positive judgements can be trusted and are justified. I would not say that they are early trend spotters to be sure. But why would they be so nice to Bocuse and so mean to other icons like Meneau, Lameloise, Lorain and Jung (all French legends demoted at one point or another)?
I also do not think that Michelin helps much in giving a sense of the specificity of the place, and helping you chose which place to go without having already been there. But then again, that’s why I try to do exactly that.
Coming to the actual point, I reiterate that Bocuse deserves the third star and never disappoints. This is based on seven visits over the last few years.
Is Bocuse outdated? Positively. Is the place annoying with all its circus and imagery of the Master? Fuck yeah. Has he been serving the same stuff for over twenty years? Without a doubt. Has he any surprising recipe, unheard of? No: his cuisine has been one of the most influential worldwide for over thirty years, everybody is familiar with it. Is it light? No.
But it is flawlessly executed, offers good value on wine and food, and dishes that you can actually hardly find in other places. About this last point, just check the online menu . For example, a (truffled, may I add) chicken in a bladder is 160€: this dish serves four, and would hardly be found under 250€ in comparable French restaurants (e.g. Le Bristol, Westermann, Loiseau or Blanc). Old Romanée-Conti can be drunk for under 1000€, and those are wines for which there is not even a market price because there is no market.
Unlike many other renowned restaurants (e.g. Ducasse, Rochat, Savoy, Gagnaire), I never spotted imperfect cooking, seasoning or product at Bocuse, be it for chicken, veal or fish (the most delicate fleshes to cook). Granted, his traditional seasoning is not light – I like it, but it also is a matter of personal taste. I would argue that dissatisfaction of any kind in that sort of restaurant should be voiced, and even loudly (I had several good meals on the house that way ;-).
Again, who else does a perfect, tasty, old-styled but subtle sauce Choron to go with the huge sea bass in puff pastry? Who offers perfect poulet à la crème et aux morilles? Côte de veau bourgeoise ? The list could go on. I am always told that good bistrots do it as well, but never actually found one of these wonderful bistrots. Save L’Ami Louis, which is hardly cheaper than Monsieur Paul.
Those dishes are historic, but they are historic for a reason: they taste pretty damn good (and outdated). They are not that easy to make. There are many restaurants, where I think I could have done what they do: Bocuse is not one of them, and I am a pretty good damn cook. Bocuse has four “Meilleurs ouvriers de France” in his kitchen (the highest distinction for cooks – only nine awarded this year). That is, to my knowledge an unparalleled number.
There is way too much to eat at Bocuse – I confess I don’t mind. Last summer, we had to ask for a break before the army of desserts was served, and we actually went out for a thirty minute walk along the river in order to be able to consider the many fruits, tarts, chocolate cakes, ice-creams, etc. Such are the old French ways, and we are not fit for it anymore.(Volaille cuite en vessie -- Photo Bun Pun Su)
I ate there in the presence and in the absence of Paul Bocuse, and I did not notice a difference (except that, when Monsieur Paul is here, it shows and he comes to greet every table, make photo-ops, etc.). When asked who cooks when he is away, he says “same ones as when I am here”.
In my opinion, Bocuse deserves the highest rating because no one does what he does better than he, and what he offers is very high level, and very consistent.
No one has to like it of course, like with every top restaurant. Personally, I don’t like Bras and Gagnaire. But I recognise the high level and consistency of their approach. I am also unmoved by l’Astrance, and feel robbed whenever I go to Ducasse or Passard (therefore I don’t go there anymore). I do not, however, question their rating, and I try to give a fair account of their talent.
All this said, and extensively said, if you want to start a thread about undeserved stars, I would start with Ducasse. I find it pretentious and boring. Rochat should not be forgotten either.
Libellés : In English, Restaurants
samedi 16 juin 2007
Souvenirs d'Ambroisie
The English version is here.
Après avoir relu un des rares comptes-rendus existants (et en images) de repas a l’Ambroisie, j’ai voulu partager mes propres souvenirs à propos d’un chef dont on parle peu.
Je comprends les réserves et l'enthousiasme. J'ai mangé trois fois chez Pacaud. Je suis toujours partagé entre l'enthousiasme pour la perfection sans pareille de la cuisine et des produits d'un côté, et l’espèce de tristesse, de désespoir même, de l'endroit, de la personnalité de Pacaud, et peut-être même de sa cuisine, de l'autre.

Mes très grands souvenirs de Pacaud sont des raviolis de homard aux girolles le jour où le Concorde s'est crashé; c'est toujours difficile d'en parler tellement c'est bon et évident. La pâte fine mais onctueuse, le homard ferme et intense, les petites girolles souples et presque sucrées, la sauce, que je suppose faite d'un mélange de fumet de homard et de jus de girolle réduits, montée au beurre. Moi, je suis souvent frustré que les assiettes ne soient pas plus grandes, et qu'il n'y ait pas plus de petites surprises chez Pacaud, au contraire de Savoy par exemple.

Un autre souvenir immortel était une poêlée de fruits rouges, arlettes et glace à la vanille, positivement orgasmique. J'étais en fait gêné qu'il y ait d'autres gens, parce que j'avais envie de ronronner en grattant la nappe (les contractions instinctives de la main du bébé têtant et jouissant) et en fermant les yeux.
Il y avait également, une autre fois, cette poulette gauloise juste rôtie avec un beurre d'herbe sous la peau, et des gnocchis "à la Parisienne". Ah ! la beauté d'une volaille parfaitement rôtie et assaisonnée, avec les blancs brillants et onctueux, les cuisses parfumées, fermes et tendres. Et ces gnocchis, si savoureux et fondant, avec cette sauce, comme une béchamel, mais bonne!

Comme la poulette était naturellement longue à cuire, on nous a servis des petits légumes cuits au vin blanc. Oh ! Trois fois rien : juste cette impression de n'avoir jamais mangé de courgettes de ma vie (et pourtant...), fruitée, fondante mais croquante. Et une tapenade: moi, j'aime pas ça. Mais là, si.

En fait, il faut prendre au sérieux le nom du restaurant: l'ambroisie, le nectar des dieux. Pacaud travaille pour l'éternité -- il recherche, et de fait atteint, cette perfection divine qui met un terme à nos errances. Il y a quelque chose de religieux dans cette recherche du potentiel des produits bruts, naturels: voici comment c'est bien fait. La poularde demi-deuil parfaite existe, je l'ai rencontrée, et je la fais advenir pour vous ce soir.

Voir aussi le post sur les meilleurs restaurants parisiens.
Libellés : En français, Restaurants
mardi 12 juin 2007
Guy Savoy:Christmas all year long (en)
(Sebastian Straessle et Florence Botel/Guy Savoy)
La version française est ici.
As promised, review of the Savoy lunch last Thursday.
First things first: it really was a 100€ menu. You need to make an Internet reservation and only one table is available at each lunch. We were given menus without prices, but they were identical to the regular Savoy menu. So this is excellent value, at least when compared to usual Savoy prices. It is still Savoy however, so this two persons lunch still ended up costing 364€ because we had three glasses of wine and a coffee each.
I do not believe that the intrinsic quality of the food is up to the best restaurants in Paris (l'Arpège, Gagnaire, and mostly l'Ambroisie). I do however believe that the overall experience is one of the best in Paris. A meal in here is a party.(Sebastian Straessle et Florence Botel/Guy Savoy)
The setting is remarkably pleasant, and the touch of table cloth of leather chair, the very sophisticated, if discreet, lighting awake senses from the get go. In the room I dined in (the restaurant is organised as a collection of little rooms), there was a huge painting of a clown hat, whose colours came out as incredibly joyful. It was not an eye-catcher, and ignoring it was easy. But it instilled some simple joy in the room, another non-cooking feature of the house.The staff is incredibly professional and highly individualised -- not only adapted to the client, but also letting each waiter's personality express. Eric Mancio, sommelier and director of the restaurant, is a hugely kind, sensitive yet simple guy. He chooses wines that are like him, watching for you, almost taking care. A incredibly mineral, water-like Condrieu came with our sausage. The aperitif was an intensely sweet, but not over-sugaring Muscat vendanges tardives of Ostertag, and the meat came with one of those intense red wines from the Southwest that are the new Eldorado for sommeliers in search for affordable wines and solid margins.(Guy Savoy, Photo Eric Brissaud/Guy Savoy)
Hubert, the German maitre d' is a local star. He will always offer to take over your meal (starting with, but not limited to, your order) and wish you "Pon plaizir" (or "good pleasure" in French with a German accent). For me, he always plays a kind and sweet lusty clown, posing as having trouble letting go of the food he is serving. Last week, he was advertising his "fraizes de Ploukastel korchées de soleil" (or his "Plougastel strawberries stuffed with sun" with the same double translation), even when passing by our table pushing the trolley of desserts, apparently speaking to himself. Show business, I tell you. (Dessert trolley, picture Laurance Mouton/Guy Savoy)
You are always brought and offered a little something in this place, and, strangely, it almost never feels like too much. As soon as you are seated, you are brought a mini foie gras club sandwich, which is assembled quickly on a little fork in front of you and given to you directly in your hands. Other sweet little bites will also be given hand to hand during the meal on many occasions, from marshmallows to caramelised grapefruits. This creates an unparalleled sense that you are the centre of attention, an impression which, I can tell, other people in the room totally shared, consciously or not.(Photo Laurence Mouton/Guy Savoy)
Little extras go on and on -- to our three course meal, you should add three or four amuse-bouches, all very good and unchallenging, an extra bowl of soup (artichoke, truffle and Parmiggiano, with wild mushroom brioche on the side, as an apology to my lady friend who did not order, nor enjoy, the pig’s head sausage, for some reason), and an endless procession of pre-desserts, desserts trolley, post-desserts, post-coffee sweets.
Two highlights of the very end of your meal, signatures of the house, are thus the earl grey sorbet and a tiny, delicious sample of a subtle apple tart ("tarte fine", on a very thin puff pastry, with apple sauce and then very thin apple slices on top, lots of butter and sugar involved in proportion to the apple -- but wow yammy).Before we got to the never ending dessert, we had a first course out of the regular menu, by my special request: a sabodet. It is a traditional sausage from the Lyons region, made out of pig's head and served with a potato salad. Don't worry, it was my idea and Savoy offers first course less scary (see his website).
I found it admirable. The sausage in itself offers a lot of different consistencies, none of the which presents the unpleasant resistance of, say, pig ears. The potatoes smoothen the taste, which is not particularly strong actually, and, on top of the perfect cooking of both (the sausage was cooked but not dry at all – strong tastes in that kind of dish often comes from overcooking), the “grand restaurant” touch came with a herb vinaigrette that had the consistency of a butter sauce, and brought all these different consistencies and tastes together. Despite its lack of “nobility”, this one dish was absolutely three-star to me.
We then had the signature dish -- Côte de veau juste rôtie, purée de pommes de terre. I always loved that dish, simple, intense, and refined. Contrariwise to my memories (hadn't eaten there in years), the cooking is OK but not perfect. Well, some parts are perfect, some overcooked. The juice is liquid and yet too strong, almost with a taste of burnt. And the purée, that has juice and butter in it, is too rich. But have the three together in one spoon, and it is just delicious. Also, it is always a pleasure for me when my meat is sliced in front of me and my plate assembled on the trolley by high-class professional who makes it look easy.
Delicious is the motto of the place. Your pleasure, your immediate and full pleasure, is taken very seriously around here.
Again, it is not to say that it was perfect cooking, easy to digest and could not be better. It definitely felt like I ate and drank a lot a few hours later. But I will go back and bring friends for expensive parties of all sorts. It is not accurate to call this place a restaurant. It is more a food theatre.
Libellés : In English, Restaurants
L'Astrance: le trois étoiles jeunes
(photo Olivier Pascaud)
The english version is here
Que se passe-t-il dans cet endroit dont tout le monde parle à Paris depuis quelques années, et que le Michelin vient de couronner d'une troisième étoile ? Pascal Barbot, nous dit Bibendum, est "au sommet de son art". Un menu "surprise" imposé, avec une seule latitude: avec ou sans vin (une très très bonne idée, car c'est le chef qui sait le mieux ce qui est bon ce jour-là, pas le client. Robuchon le disait déjà quand il a arrêté). Il y ici et làdes images d'un autre site, d'un autre repas: merci à ces contributeurs. Bien entendu, qu'ils me contactent si ils désapprouvent cet usage de leurs photos. (picture Peray)
Apres des mises en bouche amusantes (littéralement une cuillère à café de "fondue de parmesan" à la belle texture onctueuse, et une brioche citron-romarin), la première démonstration d'un grand talent de cuisinier vient dans une petite verrine, remplie essentiellement d'une mousse de petits pois avec un petit fond de yaourt citron et une émulsion au gingembre sur le dessus, deux pétales de fleur. Tout cela est réalisé dans un grand style hérité de Passard, minimaliste, sans crème, beurre, gras rajouté. Bien sûr, comme on le sait depuis Conticini, on plonge sa cuillère jusqu'au fond pour avoir de tout dans chaque bouchée, et que le mélange se fasse en bouche. Or donc le petit pois est là, ventripotent et végétal. Quand les légumes sont très bons, très frais, très bien cuits et très bien assaisonnés, ils sont comme une douceur, un dessert, un fruit frais à bonne maturité. C'est exactement ce que cet assaisonnement souligne et achève, faisant de cette petite verrine une vibrante ode au pois.
Une grande spécialité de la maison est, nous dit-on, ce foie gras au verjus, champignons de Paris, citron confit. Est-ce que vous n'imaginez pas une gros morceau de chair, des champignons taillés en quartier ou en duxelle et sautes au beurre, et des zestes jaunes brillants à l'énoncé de ce plat? Moi si. Mais en fait, c'est une espèce de mille-feuille avec plein de couches de lamelles de champignons de Paris, d'un beau blanc presque ivoire et tout fermes, eux aussi célébration du légume juste cueilli... et judicieusement choisi. Avec des tranches foie gras cru mariné, donc. Et sur le dessus, une poudre de cèpes -- j'imagine qu'on réduit en poudre des cèpes séchés. Sur le coté, une petite quenelle d'une crème de citron confit, somme toute assez proche en gout d'une tarte au citron peu sucrée (mais je ne pense pas qu'il y avait des œufs). C'est très frais, et au début c'est déconcertant, presque fade. C'est moulé non pas comme un mille feuille mais dans un grand saladier, démoulé comme un Flanby, et on nous en sert un quartier, comme une part de tourte post-moderne, sans feuilletage et sans cuisson. Au fur et a mesure qu'on se rapproche du bord, soit qu'on s'habitue soit que la concentration en verjus change, le goût devient plus fort, avec un très bel équilibre dans ce plat un peu zen, qui en fait révèle... le champignon de paris cru, et ses saveurs, réelles et subtiles, parce qu'il est si admirablement frais et coupé il y a peu.

A signaler, avec les entrées, un Riesling cabinet de la vallée de la Moselle, à la fois très doux et très tendre, puisqu'il titre 8 degrés seulement, sélectionné et servi par Alexandre, sommelier du Lucas-Carton de la grande époque (c'est-a-dire l'année dernière). Dans l'ensemble à ce chapitre, des vins très bien faits, peu démonstratifs, même un tantinet austères, mais toujours avec des accords très étudiés avec les plats. Plutôt que d'essayer d'accentuer des plats qui, d'une part ne cherchent pas a s'adapter aux vins, et d'autre part semblent ne pas avoir de recette stable, mais sont modifiés tous les jours, Alexandre fait la plupart du temps le choix de la complémentarité. Le Vouvray sec avec les crustacés, le Meursault avec le turbot citron choux, le Languedoc rouge (apparemment devenu incontournable dans les maison en mal de bon vin rouge a prix décent -- décent pour eux), occupent à chaque fois les espaces de goût non occupés par le plat, le rejoignant souvent autour de l'acidité, présente dans les vins et dans les plats qui presque tous recourent au citron, à la citronnelle ou au gingembre.
Jusqu'au dessert, les plats étaient ensuite, a mon avis, moins aboutis. Une gelée de langoustine était un plat inattendu, minimal, juste un goût intense de crustacé, d'ailleurs trop fort pour mes collègues américains. C'est comme un rince-bouche du Guilvinec, capitale de la langoustine. Sur cette lancée, on nous sert les queues de ces mêmes langoustines (les têtes ayant été utilisées pour la gelée, j'imagine). Dans un bouillon inspire du Pho, des grosses langoustine poêlées émergent parce qu'elles s'appuient sur des légumes de printemps, et il y a des herbes et des fleurs. C'est une composition visuelle superbe, en relief et en contrastes, fleurs et herbes sur fond de blanc nacré et beau bouillon clair. Au gout, l'équilibre est superbe et différent avec chaque cuillère, tant qu'il y a de la langoustine. Mais, à moins de se rationner, on finit le plat sans langoustine et c'est beaucoup moins excitant.

Je ne peux pas passer sur ce plat sans me référer à la « nage marine et potagère » d’Olivier Roellinger, un même esprit de crustacés et légumes, avec un bouillon versé dessus devant vous, de la citronnelle dedans. J’ai cette impression que c’est une bonne idée, la même, mais bien plus aboutie et gourmande chez Roellinger. En général d’ailleurs, j’ai cette impression que c’est une table proche dans l’esprit de Roellinger, mais sans cette unité du repas, des plats, cette maturité qu’on trouve à Cancale.
Avec un râble de turbot parfaitement cuit et très frais, donc délicieux, sur une sauce citron-gingembre, il y dans l'assiette une île de chou pointu, avec des oignons marinés en-dessous et une petit part de sardine crue au-dessus. Plus loin, une quenelle épinards-piments, et de l'autre cote un trait d'une sauce rouge. Chaque accompagnement va bien avec le turbot. Sardine, chou et oignons forment aussi comme un plat a part, isole. Comme pour les langoustines dans la soupe, le gout du poisson se combine avec les accompagnements, il s'exprime sans être écrasé. Une cuillère avec un peu de tout, outre qu'elle est difficile a réaliser, n'est pas bonne du tout.
Dans l'ensemble, l'impression d'un plat qui refuse de choisir entre différentes pistes, chou ou épinard, citron ou ketchup. Ca occasionne d'ailleurs a la fin un amusant malentendu avec le directeur de salle: je lui dis que sa cuisine ne choisit pas, il me dit que oui ils ne me laissent pas le choix, ils imposent un menu surprise.

Une purée de patate douce, tiède, surmontée d'une glace a la vanille, fait transition vers le feu d'artifice de desserts, qu'on nous décrit même comme "à la Gagnaire", avec l'abondance de petites choses peu sucrées et savoureuses. Ils sont tous bons, voire très bon, comme ce clafoutis pèche et abricot, cette île flottante à la grenadine avec une belle grosse framboise bien poilue, cette jolie tarte au citron sur fond sablé. Un sorbet au poivre et gingembre, fait rince-bouche. Ca devient encore plus sympa au service suivant: juste des fruits et quelques madeleines.
Dans cette petite rue du 16eme arrondissement à l'ombre d'un escalier, un chef incroyablement doué et talentueux laisse libre cours à son inspiration et au marché. Il s'adapte aux produits du jour, d'une fraicheur irréprochable. Il maîtrise les cuissons et les assaisonnements au plus haut niveau, il a plein d'idées. Sa cuisine, plus que celle de Gagnaire, soit dit en passant, est fine, digeste, pas grasse, tout en légumes, fruits, chairs, arômes. L'équipe autour de lui (en salle évidemment et en cuisine sans doute : je ne suis pas allé en cuisine avant la fin du service, je n'ai vu que le chef) partage son enthousiasme et son investissement. Le menu surprise est imposé, mais toutes les tables n'ont pas la même chose, et je ne doute pas que le même plat évolue aussi d'un jour sur l'autre.
L'Astrance, c'est un peu l'esprit de Gagnaire (l'invention, l'improvisation, la recherche, le culte de l'artiste et du mouvement perpétuel) avec les méthodes de Passard (la vénération du produit "nu", la précision millimétrique des cuissons et des assaisonnements, le travail d'équipe dans un local trop petit).
Pourtant, j'en suis sorti sans l'envie d'y retourner. Il se passe des choses étonnantes, enthousiasmantes, jeunes et sympathiques a l'Astrance. Mais à la fin, j'attends d'une expérience trois étoiles qu'elle soit non seulement exceptionnelle, mais tournée vers moi, et l'Astrance m'a laissé l'impression d'être une de ces table qui a "dépassé" l'idée de simple satisfaction du client (qui d'ailleurs n'exclut ni de le surprendre, ni de lui imposer un style).
Vu leur succès explosif, je peux dire, sans crainte de leur nuire, que je reste à convaincre.
Bravo, les jeunes, mais vous n'avez pas besoin de moi.
4 rue Beethoven, F - 75016 PARIS
+33 1 40 50 84 40
Libellés : En français, Restaurants
Des images ou pas?
Pour mon dernier séjour à Paris, et à force de regarder la chronique de François Simon sur Paris Première ou les beaux blogs qui racontent des repas en image (par exemple Chazallet.com), je m'étais muni de deux appareils numériques en me disant que j'allais faire pareil, pour vous montrer. J'y ai renoncé pour deux raisons.
D'abord parce que j'ai trouvé que, en sus du manque de discrétion, l'effort de faire une photo de chaque plat qui soit significative, qui vous fasse partager quelque chose de la spécificité du plat et du moment, cet effort détournait mon attention de l'assiette, de la salle, et m'empêchait d'avoir l'attention nécessaire. Je me souviens d'ailleurs que, quand j'enregistrais les concerts auxquels j'allais, il m'arrivait, en écoutant l'enregistrement, de me dire "quel beau concert, dommage que je n'y ai pas été".
Ensuite parce que je pense que la dimension visuelle, si elle fait partie de l'expérience au restaurant, est assez trompeuse. Je ne suis jamais allé a la French Laundry de Thomas Keller, mais en lisant ces quelques reportages photos (ou ça, ou ça), je les trouve un peu ennuyeuses (sans vouloir offenser leurs auteurs...), échouant a transmettre l'expérience que les mots, en somme transmettent mieux.
Au risque d'avoir l'air d'un vieux réactionnaire, le goût est important au restaurant, et il ne passe jamais dans une photo. Les photos de chez Keller ressemblent à celle de l'Astrance, à celles de Gagnaire, à celles de l'Ambroisie. La vidéo allège cette seconde contrainte, mais elle augmente la seconde.
J'admire d'autant plus le travail de François Simon. Mais je préfère continuer a essayer de partager mon expérience avec des mots, qui donnent un accès égal aux cinq sens. Dites moi ce que vous en pensez.
Libellés : En français, Restaurants
L'Atelier Robuchon: smart restaurant

L'Atelier de Joel Robuchon is an innovative concept in restaurants from the chef that was once elected "cuisinier du siecle" (the 20th, obviously), along with Freddy Girardet, by his peers. It opened in Paris first, and since then has reproduced itself in London, New York, Tokyo, with awards and success.
In a black, sophisticated setting, a long bar goes around a grill/tepeyaki. You cannot really see the cooking going on, because you are far from the grill and out of sight from the non-grilling part. So you're really far away from eating in the kitchen, but there is still a more direct connection with the chefs that in a usual restaurant. Reservation is basically impossible and the place is very crowded around meal time.

All the entrees we had were more than delicious, more than perfect. The tartine de pied de cochons (pig's foot on toast), was intense and subtle, a perfect composition of consistencies, a touch of Parmiggiano almost went unnoticed but brought a fine balance to the foot's flesh, salad and toasted baguette (still: two small tartines, 19eur). Perfect and tasty glass of Languedoc red wine, without any sourness and many flavours, makes a good aperitif, although we are not offered anything to drink for long minutes after we were seated (10eur, lowest price for wines by the glass).

Fresh anchovies and peppers are brought together in a very pictural and simple presentation: a rectangle, in the middle of rectangular plate, made alternate stripes of fresh anchovies and peeled, marinated red peppers. Both tastes perfectly reveal one another, and the plate once again is at the level of the best restaurants in the world. A plate of Bellota Bellota ham has nothing noteworthy except being delicious. I guess the reason they serve small dices of peeled tomatoes on small toasts of Poilane bread on the side is so you can't object that there is no cooking involved in this plate. However, they do not bring anything to the ham, which has enough to say by itself. See Chuck for more excitement on the topic of jamon.

(Photo Ajgnet)
This puree is obviously less of a match with creamed pasta, which happened that night in the form of six al dente macaronis lying in order next to one another, creamed I mentioned, also with veal and morilles mushrooms juices. This provides the base on which the flavour of the morille expands. Like the rest, the morilles were perfectly freshed, perfectly seasoned, perfectly cooked. They were firm yet not hard to chew, and the said chewing revealed those characteristic forestry tastes. Cooking had sweetened, tamed the somewhat rough mushroom. Dices of foie gras and chicken kidneys, both roasted, completed the picture.
I should also mention the veal sweetbread, simply one of the best you can have, perfectly melty and tasty (other glorious sweetbreads include Bernard Loiseau in Burgundy and Rabaey in Switzerland -- there is much more to eat there in terms of quantity, but for much more than the 21eur of the Robuchon tasting sample). Also, a tartare-frites was irreproachable but, like the ham, had nothing more than that.
So the food was top notch, really impressive. But I have to tell you, the bread felt like it had spent two days in a plastic bag, and the desserts were plain bad (ice creams were still OK, they were out of tarts and petits pots, and the coffee and chocolate desserts we had felt like those industrial "desserts" you take out of the freezer and eat while watching 24 or football). And the service was not particularly attentive or helpful, with that impression that they are doing you a favour by serving you rather than you by coming.

252eur for this three person dinner.
Libellés : In English, Restaurants
mardi 5 juin 2007
Et pour moins cher?
Manger pas trop cher à Paris? Et complètement à l'écart du cercle gastronomique. Voici quelques une de mes adresses d'étudiant préférées, à moi perso:
Cosi, 54 rue de Seine, 01 46 33 35 36, has nothing to do with the American chain in terms of quality. Simple concept: fresh ingredient, freshly baked pizza-like bread (cooked throughout the day in the wood oven -- therefore always warm). Made on order sandwiches. Count 10€ per person, there's a nice room upstairs where you can seat (it would use some renovation works yet, maybe a fresh painting). And good wines. They also make salads.
Very simple but delicious Vietnamese restaurant (menu 8€): Thao Ly, 11, rue Berthollet, 01 43 36 72 92 -- Ideal for feeding hungry families. There are 8 tables in a tiny local, wife cooks and husband serves, paper table cloths. Students love it, of course, but it is tasty and healthy. Delicious Banh Cuon (steamed ravioli), Lacsa soup (here it is with coconut milk and shrimps), pork ribs.
Biggest pasta plates ever at Padova, 159 bd du Montparnasse (close to Port-Royal), 01 43 26 63 52. Also delicious, gigantic and thick pizza, made a with what is basically a bread dough. The Gorgonzola-Pomme, the Toscane (with raw Parma ham added after the cooking) are my favorites. Big specialty is the Cocktail de pates, that could reasonably feed four. also a nice beef rib, available in "small" (700gr) or "medium" size (1kg). Really not a dietetic or a gastronomic place, but teens often love it and I do. Count 20-30€ per person.
In Chinatown, metro Tolbiac or soon to be opened Olympiades, the Asia Palace has delicious dim sums and dumplings, and roast meat. 22 rue du Disque, 01 45 86 88 77. 20-30€.
Also in Chinatown, Pho 14 is a very popular place which I never saw closed, offers a huge bowl of soup with rice noodles for 6.50€. 129, avenue de Choisy. Pho can be chicken or beef, and they have a choice of three different starters (steamed ravioli, springrolls, rice noodles with a shrimp cake). Yummy.
Libellés : En français, In English, Restaurants
lundi 4 juin 2007
S'il n'en reste qu'un: à Paris (en)
La version française prochainement.
See how hard the life of the French food-lover is? Some people mock the Michelin and the self-centerred gastronomic views of the French, but a lifetime is hardly enough to have the full French experience. Not to mention other great foods.
I think all would agree that all three-star restaurants are amazing. Which is why we reviewers try to give a sense of the specificity of the place rather than a blunt listing. There is a restaurant for each mood.
L'Ambroisie, Gagnaire and l'Arpège are generally acknowledged as the three best foods.
Gagnaire will blow your mind and you might be unable to remember what you ate there in detail, because each course is made of five different plates at least and often offers never-heard of combinations such as asparagus with passion fruit (yes, I do remember this one). The setting is contemporary and cosy, soft light and there is a dedicated smoking-room and perfect cigars (more georgous Gagnaire pictures chez Pim).

L'Ambroisie offers absolute classicism in a 18th century setting. There is something intimidating about the place. But it is also mind blowing, in a way opposite to Gagnaire. There are no more than three flavours per dish, and there is no degustation menu, and almost no extra (one mise en bouche and a few mignardises on the side of the dessert). Pacaud is the chef that chefs prefer, he comes very close to perfection. But this is it -- there's nothing party-like about the place, beyond the orgasmic food. I personnally remember feeling like purring on a dish of strawberries with ice-cream -- to name but one.
With Passard at l'Arpège, you will have the same quality of products, cooking and seasoning that you get from Pacaud, in a very contemporary setting (see his website for an idea of the setting http://www.alainpassard.com/ ), with a very minimalist, virtuoso cuisine focused on vegetables and fish. He does, however, the best chicken: it is slowly grilled, turned every few minutes for two and a half hour. Another example is the Gratin d'oignons, which is just that (gratinée onions, pepper, parmiggiano) and charged ca 80€ if I remember correctly. It is positively delicious. Perfect cooking is Passard's gig, and it is impressive. Prices of the wine list are even crazier than they are in the two others (more reasonable wine prices in particular at Taillevent, whose cellar has been around for decades and is masterly managed).

As far as Savoy goes, the food maybe a touch less sublime than in the two others, but the experience is one of total "art-de-vivre" -- and everything is delicious. The Savoy room is contemporary, with lots of contemporary and African art. It is made with Wenge wood and leather, has no window. Soft light and a team that is here for your pleasure. You will be offered extras, sweets, nice attentions all the time, without feeling that this is too much food. You'll have serious if you want serious ambience, joker if you prefer. It is also very jet-setty, with lots of politicians, pop stars, actors, etc. But you usually do not feel less important because they are here, which is alas not the case in all restaurants.
Also, lunch menu (which you need to reserve specifically, only one table per day) offers good value at Savoy (100€ for a full meal, from the Carte). This is noteworthy because we are talking for all four restaurants of 600+€ checks for two.
I will give a more detailed impression about lunch menu at Guy Savoy after I go there later this week -- stay tuned.
Libellés : In English, Restaurants