Every foodie who is in Paris in August is likely to feel cheated. Because it is someone people ask me very often these days, here's a list of foodie places open in August. I'll enrich this list with my discoveries and memories all month. I'll also be hapy to add your suggestions.
Top restaurants
- L'Arpège (best restaurant in the world, most expensive too)
- Joël Robuchon (at La Table, don't miss the 55eur lunch deal, including beverage)
- La Grande Cascade (Frédéric Robert is an exceptionally rigorous cook, a true master -- to my taste he lacks the inspiration and genius of his former masters Senderens and Peyrot, but both owe a lot to his rigour nevertheless and the place itself is georgeous, in the Bois)
- Le Cinq for the first steps of Briffard this summer
- Le Bristol always (don't miss the poached poularde, the ris de veau)
More ordinary restaurants
- La Rotonde (the textbook, very good brasserie at the corner of Bd Raspail and Bd du Montparnasse -- everything is great, everyday and all day long until midnight)
- Le Petit Riche (for its specialities like the rillons and the veal chop and the setting -- also serves late night)
- Astier (a textbook bistrot, cheap and open 365 days a year, with good cheese and great wines)
- Meating (for expensive meat in the 17th)
- La Fontaine de Mars, Chez les Anges in the 7th
- The historic bistrot brasserie Joséphine Chez Dumonnet is listed open by some and closed by others. I'll check.
- In Chinatown: Solya, Sinorama, Asia Palace, Pho 14
- Japanese: Kinugawa (rue du Mont Thabor), Benkay (by the Seine in the 15th), both luxurious
- Fancy Chinese: Tsé Yang, Tong Yen, Passy Mandarin
- Co Tu, rue de la Croix-Nivert
- Fontanarosa, bd Garibaldi
- Pichard, rue Cambronne
- BE in the Printemps (bd Haussmann)
- Le boulanger de Monge
Pastry shop
- Constant, Dalloyau, Hediard are open all summer. Don't miss Constant's icecreams, Dalloyau chocolate macaron (chocolate only), pastry at Hédiard (eventhough they're not made on site). The bakeries I mentioned have good pastry as well.
- Boucheries Nivernaises rue du faubourg Saint Honoré (especially for their well aged Simmenthal beef)
- Lesourd rue Lecourbe (don't miss his summer deals on sweetbreads)
- A Corsican shop on rue des martyrs whose name I can't remember
General food shopping
- Most markets become desert in August. Lafayette Gourmet (Galeries Lafayette, bd Haussmann, 8th) is a good alternative to la grande Epicerie (rue de Sèvres, 6th)
- Nevertheless, the market on av du Pdt Wilson has Thiébault (the extraordinay lovall grown vegetables that most top restaurants use) all August -- on wednesdays and saturdays morning.
- Quatrehomme and Cantin do not close (cheese)
mercredi 30 juillet 2008
Paris in August -- good food nevertheless
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6 commentaires:
Thanks for the write up. The market in Ave President Wilson is also interesting in August.
Nice list. I plan to be in Paris in a couple of weeks and putting together a dining itinerary has been tough. I have L'Arpege and Le Bristol already booked, which should make the trip worthwhile. Really wish Pierre Gagnaire was open, but L'Arpege is really the must go destination for me.
Le Chateaubriand and Ze Kitchen Galerie should both be open as well and will probably make the short list for me.
How was your experience at Manresa? I think you planned a trip out there a while ago.
Mon message n'a rien à voir avce le sujet "Paris en août" mais a quand même un rapport avec les restaurants qu'il faudrait (en tout cas que je souhaiterais) visiter (en août ou pas).
Je vis à la Réunion et est donc très isolé de la "gastronomie".
Et quand je me rends en métropole (2 à 3 fois par an), j'en profite pour me rendre dans des restaurants ayant un minimum de prétentions culinaires.
Malheureusement, mon entourage ne partage pas mon goût pour la gastronomie et il est quand même plus agréble de partager un bon repas avec quelqu'un qui manifeste un intérêt pour cela.
Savez-vous s'il existe un forum (français) du type "opinionated about dining" où je pourrais trouver d'éventuels commensaux pour mes prochaines excapades gastronomiques (principalement en région parisienne) ?
Merci !
Thanks for the point about Thiébault -- as you can see I included it in the original post.
I was unfortunately ill the day I went to Manresa, so my experience was mostly visual. I was still very impressed by the "garden" dish.
Je ne connais pas de forum type OA en Français. Mais je serai content de vous aider si je peux. Dans la série "très bonne nourriture à bons prix", je vous propose de considérer Chez l'Ami Jean (menu 32€), La Régalade (idem), La Table de JR (déjeuner 55€ boissons incluses), Gérard Besson (déjeuner 56€), Senderens (repas env 100€), Lasserre (déjeuner75€), Le Paris (déj 60 bc).
Merci pour vos conseils.
Je ne connais que Senderens (fait deux fois, excellent dans l'ensemble à chaque fois), je vais donc pouvoir essayer les autres !
(je me permets en retour de vous conseiller "au gourmand", rue molière, 32 € le menu)
Reste le problème de trouver des personnes dans ma situation cherchant un ou plusieurs convives pour les accompagner dans ces divers lieux de péchés :-) mais je pense qu'il est peut-être possible d'en trouver sue le forum OA.
Merci !
je vous invite à visiter mon nouveau site! En espérant vous recevoir bientôt à ma table!
Miss Lunch in the Loft
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